Desk Range.
How to email whats app chat securely without knowing others.
Whats app :- Whats app is now a days worlds largest messaging app/company,it has wide network of customers over the globe.
The speed of the app is comparatively higher than other messaging apps,real time,time saving,etc.Whats app is very easy to use,it can be used by children - adults (of any age).
Introduction :- whats app gives regular updates to their customers now a days it has given an update called "Email Chat".(in latest updated versions)
Email chat is the other best option after google drive to backup their precious chat safe and securely. This email email chat is read by users anytime, any where in the world by simply logging into their google/gmail account.
How to email chat step by step guide :-
- Open your whats app.
- Go to your wats app setting.
- Go to your chat history option.
- Select email chat option.
- A dialog box will pop -up.
- It has two options ,select options among two you has 1st option called "wihout media" and second option called "Attach media".
- Select/Type your email address.
- Compose a message.
- Fill the details - a) from b) to c) subject
- Press send button/tab.
You will get all chat backups to your email with all details, (including time and date)
In this way you can create/make email chat.
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